Two very different days in While cleaning up the garden from the wind and horrid palm tree, the fortnight lily from where the pods are from poked me in the eye, which is basically like getting stabbed with an ice pick. Stabillo aquarellable in 5x5" hand book journal.
Where I was for the holidays. One needs to paint fast in Utah to catch the light, so I just took a photo. This is a very very quick sketch/watercolor looking out B's kitchen windows in a new sketchbook made by a friend. (What's out of the windows is the view in the photograph - The Watchmen)
A large watercolor from last year. This is Carpinteria State Beach, CA on christmas eve. I love how the lifeguard stations are huddled together, safe from the winter surf. Below is a detail. Watercolor on Arches HP, Image 20 x 44". I did alot of drybrush on this.
A quick study of a cauliflower and another of a fava bean. Grilled fava beans sound edible, but I have a gag reflex at the thought of actually eating a lima bean. They are nice to draw however. Both studies are watercolor in custom made sketchbook. Arches HP.
Rusted iron chair on old Fairmont paper. I don't know how old this stationery is. It has a zip code, but it was found in a used book store book. The paper with the eggplant is nice to paint on. It has a watermark shape of Mickey's head. This paper was rescued and is not stolen.
This is from the weather sketchbook. The next painting is basically the same image but on better paper. (Arches) The last two pieces are watercolor, 7x7" on Arches. The bigger airplane is actually a converted jumbo jet (DC-10 tanker) which can drop 12,000 gallons in a single load. In this case, it's dropping fire retardant. It has finally rained, so enough of the fire images. There's more fire fighting in my October 2006 file.
Watercolor on Arches HP, 23x45". This is a new watercolor that I worked on for three months while holding a full time job at Disney. I was working on a project called "Princess Stories" and although this teenager is very beautiful, I didn't want her to look quite so princess-like.
These are the watercolors 7x7" that are still available. The charcoal is smaller 5x5". This series is from last autumn, and I'll be starting a new firefighter series eventually, but have alot of paintings waiting to be made before that. I would love to trade a painting to someone who would organize all my different series into some sort of web site. Meanwhile, the only reason I'm posting these is for the person who inquired.....